Next-Gen Unified Vulnerability Management

powered by our Data Fabric for Security

Enrich vulnerability data and threat intel feeds with other findings and business context such as asset details, mitigating controls, and user behavior. Adjust risk scoring based on your risk factors and mitigating controls. Automate workflows to accelerate remediation. Leverage dynamic reports to measure results and track your security posture over time.

Vulnerability Management

Right arrow.

Exposure Management

Today, “vulnerabilities” come in many forms, beyond traditional CVEs. And managing them means more than just patching. VM teams need a broader set of functions to holistically reduce risk.

Vulnerability prioritization from APP Dev VM to Cyber Risk Quantification.

UVM Solution Capabilities

Automated Workflows

Streamline operations and accelerate remediation.

Automated ticket assignment and tracking, built to match your structure and systems, enable your teams to swiftly address the risks most likely to cause harm, before they can be exploited.

  • Build workflows that match your company’s processes and structure
  • Get the right info to the right teams, with details on the fix and rationale for the priority
  • Leverage two-way integrations with ticketing systems for an accurate view of current ticketing state, with automatic closing and reopening of tickets as needed
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A growing set of use cases

Get a “to do” list of your riskiest exposures. Leverage out-of-the-box prioritization based on your risk factors and mitigating controls — adjust the math to reflect your definition of risk.

Questions you can answer:

  • Which vulnerabilities present the greatest risk to our unique environment?
  • How vulnerable are our most critical applications?
  • What medium CVEs are really criticals for us? What criticals are really medium?
  • How has our risk posture changed since the last board meeting?
  • and many more…

Proper asset hygiene is imperative to fully realize UVM outcomes. Correlate information from multiple data sources to gain a more accurate and detailed view of your assets — regardless of whether they’re reflected in your CMDB.

Questions you can answer:

  • Do we have accurate asset type for all assets? Are crown jewel assets properly designated in our CMDB?
  • Do we know the user, geo, department, etc. of each asset?
  • Do shadow assets exist (not reflected in CMDB)?
  • Who should we assign a ticket to for a given asset?
  • and many more…

Reconcile asset information from multiple data sources to uncover where you have security issues and visibility gaps.

Questions you can answer:

  • How many assets do we really have? What is installed on each of them?
  • Are endpoint agents deployed on all the assets that should have them?
  • Which assets don’t have the latest endpoint agent version installed?
  • How many crown jewel assets contain PII?
  • and many more…

Deduplicate findings related to the same root cause — bringing together findings from cloud and code scanners into one work item — to gain a true representation of cloud application risk.

Questions you can answer:

  • How can we assess, track, and manage security risks in our cloud environments?
  • Which findings coming from our cloud scanners have the same root cause?
  • What container package has a specific vulnerability on it?
  • How can we prioritize and communicate runtime cloud workload issues to our cloud infrastructure and app remediation teams?
  • and many more…

Get the most impactful remediation action items to the right teams, with details on the fix, rationale for the priority, and sophisticated workflows that match your organizational processes and structure.

Questions you can answer:

  • Which team or individual is responsible for making a necessary fix?
  • What actions can I take to solve multiple problems at once?
  • How can we track remediation exceptions?
  • How quickly are different teams meeting remediation SLAs?
  • and many more…

Get out-of-the-box risk quantification and visualization at the organization and asset level with our Zscaler sister application Risk360.

Questions you can answer:

  • What is my overall risk score? How is it trending?
  • How is our organization addressing risk compared to our peers in the industry?
  • What is our potential financial exposure from cyber risk?
  • How can we map security gaps to risk frameworks for compliancereporting?
  • and many more…

Ready to learn more?

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