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illustration representing the ability of Avalor's flexible query engine to set up data queries any way you want
September 6, 2023

Avalor’s Fast and Flexible Query Engine: Go Ahead, Ask Your Data Anything

Avalor CTO Kfir Tishbi explains how we built our Data Fabric for Security™ with total flexibility in mind, including the ability to set up data queries any way you like.

Graphic image with Avalor's booth number 400 at the 2023 Black Hat cybersecurity conference in Vegas
August 4, 2023

Black Hat USA 2023 Preview: How to Get the Most Out of Your Experience

We sat down with Anton Granic, a 25-year industry veteran and Vice President of Worldwide Sales at Avalor, to get his thoughts going into his 15th Black Hat conference on how things have changed, how to get the most of your time in Vegas, and his advice for first time attendees.

Abstract image for Avalor AnySource Connector
August 2, 2023

Avalor’s AnySource™ Connector and Integrations Library: Powering Our Any Data Source, Any Format Difference

Being able to ingest some, but not all of your organization's data sources means you’re still missing a lot. In this blog post, Timna Carmel, VP of Product at Avalor, explains how the hundreds of integrations available with the Avalor platform enable enterprises to ingest, normalize, and analyze data from anywhere in the tech stack to provide full coverage of all your data.

AWS and Avalor logos
June 12, 2023

AWS Integrations for Avalor’s Data Fabric for Security™

Avalor's data fabric is cloud-agnostic, integrating with more than 100 different data sources including AWS, Azure, GCP, and private clouds. In this blog post, Avalor CTO Kfir Tishbi shares details on all of the data integrations our platform supports for AWS customers including AWS Security Lake and AWS Cloud Security services.

May 18, 2023

Talk Data to Me: A Former CEO Reveals What They Really Want To Hear From CISOs

Doug Merrit, former CEO of Splunk shares insights on how security leaders can best use data with execs and the board.

Data fabric for security banner illustration
April 23, 2023

An Experienced CISO’s Take on Solving the Data-to-Decisions Gap

Guest post from Emily Heath, Avalor Board Member and former Chief Trust and Security Officer at DocuSign.

Data fabric illustration
April 23, 2023

What Security Leaders Need to Know About Data Fabric Architecture

Avalor CEO Raanan Raz explains how a data fabric architecture solves security's greatest data challenge.

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